Monday, July 12, 2010

The Things I know For Sure

1. People never change
2. Things can always be worse
3. Don't run but conquer
4. High heals are always a good option (they make any outfit dressy and make your legs look long and fit)
5. Do something for yourself everyday
6. You can never laugh too much
7. Don't take life or yourself too seriously
8. Life is what happens while you are planning it
9. Eyes are always beautiful after a good cry.. so don't fear it
10. It's better to have a few great friends then lots of acquaintances
11. Baked goods are always good.. have you ever had a bad baked good?? (exception: raisins)
12. Don't ever cry over someone who wouldn't cry over you (thank-you Lauren Conrad-- yes I watch the Hills)
13. Can never go wrong with a pink sparkly cocktail
14. Make your own rules
15. Dresses generally always make you feel pretty

What do you know for sure??


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